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来源:www.daxuelw.org  发布时间:2018-11-22  

摘 要



有效控制原则在国际领土争端解决中存在着适用缺陷,如忽视了有效控制原 则的适用前提、对有效控制和关键日期的认定缺乏明确标准、历史权利在解决领 土争端中没有得到足够重视以及违反了国际法上的禁反言原则。针对相关适用缺 陷的存在,应提出对应的完善措施如应以优先考虑领土的合法所有者为适用前提、 明确有效控制原则的认定标准与关键日期、综合考虑原始权利与有效控制证据的 适用以及有效控制原则应受到禁反言原则的限制,以便适用有效控制原则更好的 解决领土争端。


关键词:国家法学硕士论文,有效控制原则,领土主权争端,关键日期,多重性分级判             案规则


Effective control principle means the International Court of justice weighed the claims of the two sides of the dispute and awarded the disputed territory to the party who had more control over the actual situation.The principle of effective control is a unique principle developed in the process of settling territorial disputes by the International Court of justice,and in the past judicial practice developed slowly, and gradually developed into an important position in the settlement of territorial disputes. The principle of effective control consists of the sovereign control behavior of subjective occupation intention and objective reality,and the general principles of law and international law as the first principle, the principle of limitation of law, possession of principle and the principle of estoppel has both connection and difference,at the same time, key dates need to be identified to determine whether sovereign actions constitute effective control and to better resolve territorial disputes.

The principle of effective control is constantly changing in the process of settling disputes in the international judicial organs.In the early twentieth Century, the main focus was on whether the disputed territory belonged to the territory of the non owner,it is now in the case of the Palmas Island, the Burton island and the East Greenland island.The case of Burkina Faso Mali border dispute lawsuit in late twentieth Century, Salvatore and Honduras land, islands, border dispute case fully reflects the focusing principle of effective control of this period in the disputed territory of whether there is a legitimate owner.For twenty-first Century, the principle of effective control to other factors such as Ligitan and Dan Brazil Island sovereignty case, Nicaragua and Honduras territorial and maritime disputes, white reef island, reefs and reef in South Nicaragua and Columbia sovereignty case, territorial and maritime dispute case fully reflects the connotation change.

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