二部分的内容主要是讲述生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪在立法上所存在的问题。主要是本罪对象的争议、行为的争议以及主观方面存在的争议。对食品的概念,对食品添加剂、非食品原料缺乏法律上明确的规定,概念界定的不明确、易混淆、范围的界定不清晰,同时也影响着司法实践。另外还有刑罚设置、量刑情节、体系归置的不合理等问题。结合现实中出现的典型案例,使理论与实践相结合,找出本罪所存在的罚金刑、资格刑的缺陷,对“情节严重” 罪状表述不缜密、规定的标准不够明确指出其中立法缺陷。第三部分的内容主要是对本罪立法的完善。对本罪有争议的食品、食品添加剂、食品原料等相关概念进行归纳、总结,然后提出笔者自己的意见。对本罪的对象问题做出一些探讨,对本罪的行为方式进行完善。对于现在新出现的进口、走私有毒、有害食品的行为纳入到刑法的规制范围提出自己的建议,首次提出将进口、走私有毒、有害食品等有关违法犯罪行为纳入到本罪的调整范围。完善本罪的主观过错,包括直接故意与间接故意。借鉴其它的部门法,提高对罚金刑的适用,对刑罚进行完善。借鉴国外的有关立法,加大对资格刑的完善。将本罪仍然放在原来的章节中显然不太合适,应对本罪的犯罪体系进行更加合理的完善。
There is no doubt that food is necessary for human survival and development. Human beings can not survive without food. Food safety is inextricably linked to the vital interests of the masses. Even if the food safety concerns people and relevant departments enough attention, the problem of food safety is still not well improved and solved in reality, it is a wave of something new. Food safety affects not only the health of the whole society, but also the daily life of human beings.
The amendment to the criminal law of the People's Republic of China (eight) (hereinafter referred to as the criminal law amendment (eight)) has further protected the food safety problem, but there is still a lack of provisions on food issues in the criminal law of China. In addition to the safety of food, the problems of diabetes and hypertension caused by the imbalance of nutrition are becoming more and more serious; in reality, the relevant departments have deliberately concealed, misreported and missed the occurrence of food borne diseases, which are ignored by the relevant departments. Because of the great harm of food safety crime, it will cause irreparable damage to the health of the masses. This is closely related to the relevant laws and regulations, and the problems in practice. Criminal law is the last line of defense to maintain social order. It is very important to strengthen the criminal law to protect food safety in criminal law. This paper makes a further discussion on the problems existing in the legislation of the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food, and hopes to contribute a little to solving the existing problems of food safety.