第二部分:瑕疵出资股东资格确认。主要是通过安达巨鹰、首都国际、协和健康公司股东资格确认案例分析的基础上,对肯定说、否定说、有限资格说进行了辩证性的分析,并对国外瑕疵出资资股东资格确认法律规范的借鉴、国内瑕疵 出资股东资格确认法律规范的评析、不同类型的瑕疵出资股东资格确认路径进行 了分析。
第三部分:隐名出资股东资格确认。主要是通过顾振宇与上海良宇工贸有限 公司股东资格确认案例分析的基础上,对实质要件标准、形式要件标准、内外区别标准进行了辩证性分析,并对国外隐名出资资股东资格确认法律规范的借鉴、 国内隐名出资股东资格确认法律规范的评析、隐名出资股东资格确认的具体路径 进行了总结。
第四部分:冒名出资股东资格确认。主要是通过李植国诉厦门顺鑫盛机械有 限公司等股东资格确认案例分析的基础之上,对国外冒名出资资股东资格确认法律规范的借鉴、国内冒名出资股东资格确认法律规范的评析、不同类型的冒名出 资股东资格确认路径进行了分析,最后对冒名行为的确认之诉、被冒名者的利益 保护进行了探讨。
本文可能的创新之处就是对瑕疵出资、隐名出资、冒名出资三种特殊情形下 的股东资格确认的相应确认标准、法律规范进行了一定的评析。当然,这些评析仅仅是笔者的思考,还需要在日后的实务和理论建设当中予以改正和完善。
Of a limited liability company shareholder qualification in the dispute, is mainly due to a limited liability company in the establishment and operation of general rarely according to laws and regulations, which is often is according to their respective interests and original experience, especially for provision of shareholders, the equity transfer related file changes, the problem such as industrial and commercial registration change often exists in most of a limited liability company. Three times at the same time, our company legislation, although after correction, continuously improve and perfect the relevant provisions, but inevitably has yet to practice some of the problems have not fixed, even with related stipulation, no refinement and not is operational, makes the judge interpretation of the legal work harder, only according to the legal principle and legal theory and using the method of legal interpretation, this means that the need for such problems are trying to theory construction and practice. Therefore, it is necessary for the flaws capital contribution, dormant investment, impersonate investment shareholders qualification in special circumstances, such as research, this article through the literature review method, the analysis methods such as comparison method, dialectical materialism, taking the study of the subject, aims to make specification for the equity of our country the dispute phenomenon provides some constructive Suggestions.