随着市场交易的日益繁荣,中国目前正在从“现金型支付”转变到“信用卡型支付”。随着信用卡使用的日益广泛,它在不断为人们提供便利的同时也对人民的存储、交易产生重大的安全风险。其中比较典型的一类就是被告人利用他人遗忘在ATM机上信用卡进行取款。该种行为究竟应该定侵占罪、盗窃罪还是信用卡诈骗罪,目前在司法实践中争议比较大。虽然2008年最高人民检察院《关于拾得他人信用卡并在自动柜台员机(A T M机)上使用的行为如何定性问题的批复》(自2008年5月7日起实施)认为,拾得他人信用卡并在ATM机上使用的行为属于《刑法》第196条第一款第三项规定的“冒用他人信用卡”的情形,以信用卡诈骗罪追究刑事责任,而最高人民法院却没有对该问题进行司法解释,因而在各地法院出现同案不同判的情形。
With the growing prosperity of market transactions, China is now changing from "cash payment" to ’丨credit card payment,’. With the increasing use of credit cards, it provides convenience for people and creates significant security risks for the people’s storage and transaction. One of the more typical ones is that the defendant makes use of others1 oblivion on a ATM credit card. This kind of act should be the crime of embezzlement, theft or credit card fraud. There is a great controversy in the judicial practice at present. Although in 2008 the Supreme People's Procuratorate "about picking up other people's credit card and automatic counter machine member (ATM) approved the issue on how to use the act" (from May 7, 2008 onwards), picking up another credit card and use behavior on ATM belongs to the M 196th provisions of the third paragraph of the criminal lawM impersonation credit card case, credit card fraud shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility, and the Supreme People's court is not on the issue of judicial interpretation, resulting in different judgments in local courts.
In this paper, through the analysis of a typical case, after arguing with the difference between the crime of fraud, three counts from the nature of embezzlement, theft, credit card, from which the elements of the crime of detailed analysis and demonstration, the types of controversial cases got good answer.
Key words: Credit card; embezzlement crime; larceny;crime of credit card fraud
绪论 1
(一) 研究目的与意义 1
(二) 研究方法 1